• Osong Factory

    ADD199, Osong Saengmyeong 9-ro, Osong-eup, Heungdeok-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do

    TEL+82 043-237-1100

    FAX+82 043-237-1200


  • Gwangmyeong Office

    ADDRoom 1406, Building B, Xi Tower, Gwangmyeong Station, 67 Saebit Park-ro, Gwangmyeong-si, Gyeonggi-do

    TEL+82 070-5222-1179


En Kr



We supply the best brands and concept products that
meet the needs of clients from brand development to
production and finished products.

  • OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturing)

    Manufacturer produces the product and delivers to the client by the client's request

  • ODM(Original Development Manufacturing)

    Manufacturer use own technologies and know-how to plan and produce products and deliver to clients

  • OBM(Original Brand Manufacturing)

    Total service that manufacturer provide at once from product planning to design and marketing using own technologies and know-how

  • OGM(Original Global Standard Manufacturing)

    Provide global total services for the entire process from analysis of distribution structures to shipment in various countries of sale to production of products that meet global standards